Strabismus / Squint

What is Strabismus or Squint?

“Strabismus”, also known as squint, is a condition in which the eyes do not align properly. One of the eyes may turn inwards, upwards, downwards, or outwards while the other one focuses at a spot. This means that the extra-ocular muscles are not working in coordination, resulting in the eye being unable to gaze at the same spot at the same time. This disorder can be persistent or intermittent.

It is important to remember that a squint may be caused by weak vision in one eye. This may be the result of a cancer in the eye and thus a squint in a child should never be ignored.

As both eyes are not completely aligned, binocular vision is not possible making it harder for the person to appreciate depth perception and 3D vision. The brain ignores one of the eyes to avoid double vision and eventually does not allow this eye to have a proper development.

The earlier in life a squint can be identified and treated, the more effective that treatment is likely to be. A squint, if left untreated, can eventually develop into a lazy eye (amblyopia), in which the brain starts ignoring input from the eye.